Thursday, May 7, 2009

Podcasts - so many choices, so little time

After visiting the two podcast directories, I found a mystery thriller podcast I like. It does the old radio broadcasts of a mystery theater. While my parents cut their teeth on these while they grew up, I had my first sampling of them when I lived in Japan. I had no TV and often longed to hear English, so I fiddled with the radio I had. I found that a nearby Air Force base was doing the old time radio programs like mystery theater, the Lone Ranger, Burns and Allen and Fibber McGee and Molly. It was neat having that connection to all the shows I'd heard my parents say they grew up on. I even recorded some of them and sent them the tapes asking if the shows sounded familiar. I added this RSS to my feeds in bloglines.

I found some of the library stuff on the podcasts interesting as well. I saw that Juneau Public Library had a special author visit and work with middle school kids and the Library Staff to make a performance of "The Stinky Princess." Another College library had used their podcasts for technology tips and for things like what to do in case of weather emergencies.

I also looked into some of the educational podcasts. I listened to most of one podcast on teaching Japanese. I started another on the basics of design.

Podcasts present themselves as a useful tool. It looks like there are lots of ways they could be put to good use.

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